ways to spot a neglected car
If you are
buying a car in the sub-£1000 bracket, nine times out of ten it
will come without a service history. The vendor will always
tell you that the car has been regularly serviced - usually "by
a mate who used to work for Rolls-Royce". But do you
believe him?
Here are ten
easy checks which will help you tell the difference between a well
cared for car and a neglected old dog that has been given a quick polish....
How many
different makes of tyre are there on it?
Decent tyres
are the only thing preventing your car from disappearing backwards
into the scenery on a sharp bend, so only the poor or terminally mean
will skimp on expenditure in this area. If the car has four
different makes of tyre on it, the vendor has almost certainly been
buying tyres from scrapyards to save money. Ideally, all four
tyres should be the same make; at the very least, each pair of tyres
(front and back) should be the same make and pattern, with about the
same amount of tread. Scrapyard tyres are not dangerous in
themselves, but tell you a lot about how much the previous owner has
been prepared to spend to keep the car on the road.
Is there
antifreeze in the radiator?
does two jobs. It prevents the cooling system freezing in
winter, and it prevents rust building up inside the engine and
clogging the radiator. If the water in the radiator is clear,
this suggests that the system has recently been drained (perhaps for
a repair) and the owner was too mean to put in fresh antifreeze - not
good, but understandable on a car he is about to sell.
Rust-coloured water tells you the car has been run without antifreeze
for a long time, which is not something any self-respecting mechanic
would allow to happen. In other words, the car has not seen the
inside of a garage for quite a while.
Is there an
air filter fitted?
Paper element
air filters (as fitted to 99% of cars) need to be changed regularly -
usually every 12,000 miles or so. Otherwise they clog up,
leading to worse fuel consumption and an MOT failure on exhaust
emissions. The motoring Scrooge will take out the air filter
for the MOT and not bother to fit a new one, saving a few quid but
allowing dust, flies and other rubbish to be sucked into the engine,
which will not do it any good.

This air
filter thinks it's an oil filter. MoT failure will follow.
How clean
is the oil?
Engine oil on
most older cars should be changed every 6,000 miles. Over this
period it changes from gold to black, at which point it is no longer
doing a very good job of preventing the engine from wearing out.
Pull out the dipstick and have a look at it. If the engine is
overdue for an oil change, the oil will be jet black. If the
oil level is also very low, you are looking at evidence of serious
neglect which has probably shortened the life of the engine.
Also unscrew the oil filler cap and peer inside the engine.
Nice shiny components are what you want to see; a thick layer of
black tar covering everything is bad news.
How does
the engine sound?
Most older
engines need the valve clearances adjusting about every 24,000
miles. Any mechanic worthy of the name will attend to this as
part of a routine service. So if the engine is making a sound
like a giant sewing machine, either it has not been properly
serviced, or the valve mechanism is too worn to be adjusted.
Does it
pull cleanly?
Spark plugs
are intended to be replaced every 12,000 miles. This may come
as a surprise to some owners, who ignore them until they are so worn
that the car will not start. If the engine hesitates and will
not pull cleanly, especially when the engine is warm, the plugs may
be shot - easy and cheap to fix, but what does it tell you about the
previous owner's attitude to routine maintenance?
How good
are the brakes?
As part of a
routine service, the brakes should be inspected. If any
components cannot be guaranteed to last to the next service, a
sensible person will have them replaced. So if the brakes do
not pull up sharply, pull to one side, or make nasty grinding noises,
it is probably quite some time since a competent mechanic had
anything to do with the car.
The handbrake
should also be adjusted as part of a routine service - so if you have
to pull up the handbrake lever more than four or five 'clicks' before
the handbrake comes on, be suspicious.
Are there
lots of niggling faults?
Broken door
handles, sticking bonnet catches, a heater fan which doesn't work,
cracked light lenses, loose bits of interior trim - all annoying, but
the car will keep going anyway. On a cheap car, you can always
expect one or two niggling faults, but if the car you are looking at
has lots of them, it has been in the hands of someone who resents
spending money on it.
Has it been
kept clean?
By this, I do
not just mean the bits you can see, but the areas under the wings and
around the inside of the wheelarches which are out of sight. If
you allow mud to build up here, rust will develop and fester away
until it eats through to the outside of the body. A thick layer
of mud coating the hidden areas of the car tells you that the owner
wasn't too worried about its long term survival.
How tidy is
the interior?
Admittedly the
state of the interior of a car will not affect the way it drives, but
ripped seats, torn headlining, cigarette burns and filthy trim panels
tell you plenty about the owner's attitude to the car, and the way it
has been treated. If the interior looks as though it has been
used for rearing Dobermann puppies, the owner probably didn't care
enough to have the car serviced properly. Either that, or it
really has been used for rearing Dobermann puppies. Look for
paw prints on the dashboard....