your own scrappie - how to dismantle a car for spares
If you plan on
keeping your car for a while, one of the best ways to keep costs down
is to acquire another car as a source of spares. Thanks to
ever-tightening environmental legislation, most scrapyards will now
charge £50 or more to dispose of an old car, which means that
you stand a good chance of picking one up for free. If your car
needs a new engine or gearbox, getting hold of a complete car for
spares can make far more sense than paying a breaker £100 or
more just for the one component you need at that moment.
However, there
are a few problems you need to be aware of. Firstly, you need
to be sure that the donor vehicle is the same model and specification
as the vehicle you already own. For example, if you have a Fiat
Uno 45S, and are offered an Uno 45 Formula of the same age, it is not
going to be a lot of use to you. The engine and gearbox are
totally different. Likewise a 1985 Sierra 2.0 (single cam) will
not help you keep your 1990 Sierra 2.0 (twin cam) on the road.

body, sound mechanicals. Just imagine how much this old Roller
would be worth in bits
Next, you need
to be sure that the major mechanicals are all in decent
condition. Structural corrosion is still the number one reason
why old cars are scrapped, but there are plenty of cars now being
taken off the road because the cost of mechanical repairs is too
high. Look for a donor car which has been well maintained,
doesn't have too many miles on it but where the body is too rotten to
be worth welding - not difficult to find if you are looking at Fords,
Vauxhalls or Fiats, a bit trickier with VW or Saab. You should
at least hear the engine run before you agree to take the car away -
it may be free, but breaking it for spares is going to cost you time
and money.
considerations - the car will have no tax, MoT or insurance, and may
be structurally dangerous. Don't even think about driving it
home, and remember the police can still do you for having no tax disc
even if the car is on the end of a towrope. Unless you have
your own vehicle transporter, your options are: hire a trailer
(assuming you have a towing vehicle), use one of those little
recovery dollies (you may be able to hire one from a used car
dealer), or pay someone to transport it for you. Ring round for
quotes - try smaller garages that do vehicle recovery, and also a few
local scrapyards. Vehicle breakers always have flatbed trucks,
and will probably do you a good deal for cash. However, their
preferred method is to lift the vehicle using a chain through the
side windows, which will wreck the door frames - so if you want to
reuse the doors, make sure you know in advance how the vehicle is to
be lifted.
Right, you've
got it home, what now? You might be tempted just to park it in
a far corner of the garden and pick bits off it as you need them, but
this actually isn't a very good idea. Firstly, if you start
turning your garden into a scene from 'Deliverance', most likely your
neighbours will report you to the Environmental Health
department. Secondly, as soon as you remove the first
mechanical component from your parts car, you will immobilise it,
which can be a real pain when you want to mow the lawn.
Thirdly, most people don't have a big enough garden to hide a rusting
old Cavalier without it getting in the way. And lastly, if you
leave it parked up like that, everything will seize solid or be
destroyed by damp. So don't dump it - break it.
Get a friend
to help you. Two people can totally dismantle a car in a
weekend. You will need the following - a good selection of axle
stands and jacks of various sizes, an engine hoist or gantry (you can
hire one for about £20 for a weekend), hacksaw with spare
blades, a power drill, an impact driver for loosening stubborn
crosshead screws, and either oxy-acetylene cutting equipment, or a 9
inch disc cutter (again you can hire one). Also the usual
assortment of spanners, sockets and screwdrivers.
Start by
planning which parts you are going to keep, how you will remove them
and in which order. The best plan is to break the car up in the
largest possible lumps - so keep the engine, gearbox and ancillaries
together, likewise the rear axle, brakes and suspension. Some
cars (especially front drive ones) have all the mechanicals bolted to
a detachable subframe - think about removing this complete.
Doors are worth saving complete even if they are rotten - it saves
you having to strip them to salvage the glass and winding mechanism,
which you might need in future. Basically, the less dismantling
of components you have to do at this stage, the better. If you
don't need to save a component, don't worry about destroying it.
It may be quicker to cut the engine out of the engine bay, by
slicing through the inner wings and chassis legs, than to lift it out.
Safety first -
make sure that the bodyshell is adequately supported at all
times. That means axle stands, not piles of bricks. If
the shell is rotten, be extra careful about where you put the stands
- an axle stand will go straight through a sill or floor if it is
rusty enough. Treat glass especially carefully - it might be
worth removing the front and rear screens before you do anything
else. And watch out for sharp jagged metal edges.
Probably the most serious hazard is from the fuel system. You
really ought to drain the petrol tank before removing it, but most
cars don't have a drain plug so you will need to siphon the fuel out
into an appropriate container. A five gallon jerry can is an
appropriate container. A bucket is not. Don't tip the
fuel into your own car unless you are sure it is OK - it may be old
and stale, or contaminated with water. Use it in your
lawnmower, or light bonfires with it (carefully!). Once the
fuel tank is removed, strip out any fuel lines and ensure there are
no patches of spilt fuel or pockets of fuel vapour, before you start
using any power tools or cutting equipment.
Reader Mark
Porter adds the following:
"May I
suggest that you STRONGLY recommend that a large foam fire
extinguisher is handy, and that the fuel tank is filled with water,
after pinching off the pipe in a suitable manner. After all you're
unlikely to use the feed pipe and the fuel tank with only gas in is
about a 100Kg bomb if set off.
"While it
isn't likely that you would buy a fire damaged car, it might be worth
mentioning the fact that they should not be touched as many of the
plastics, especially the ones in the engine, degrade into toxic
chemicals including one which while I can't remember the name require
amputation I the limb is contaminated with the acid resulting from
the burnt seals."
considerations - make sure that any fluids are drained into a
container and disposed of properly. You might as well leave the
engine and gearbox oil where they are for the moment, although if the
engine is in really nice order I would think about running it until
thoroughly warm, then changing the oil. Old engine oil can
contain corrosive elements which will not do the engine internals any
good over time. Be particularly careful about collecting brake
fluid, and watch out for cars (such as Fiats) where the inner
driveshaft joints are lubricated by gearbox oil. As soon as you
remove the driveshafts, the oil will flood out, so drain it
first. The same goes for the front propshaft to gearbox
coupling on rear-drive Fords. Antifreeze mix can be disposed of
down the drain, but oil and brake fluid should be tipped into a
container and taken to the local council 'recycling centre' (a.k.a.
tip) where there will be facilities to dispose of it. They will
also take dead car batteries.
Once you have
the major components off the car, make sure you strip out any wiring,
relays, switches, fuse boxes, bulbs and other small fittings.
These take up little storage space and cost a fortune if you have to
buy them from Halfords. Consider whether you want to keep any
interior trim (seats, carpets, dashboard top). This stuff takes
up a lot of space and goes mouldy. If the trim on the donor car
is better than on your own vehicle, swap it over; if not, just
junk it.
So, at the end
of the first day you should have: a pile of reusable mechanical
and electrical spares, and possibly some body panels, a hopefully
much smaller pile of components which are not worth keeping (leaking
shock absorbers, worn seats, cracked light units), and a bare
bodyshell on axle stands. So what now? You have two
choices - you can either pay someone to take the shell away, or you
can chop it up and dispose of it yourself. Personally I would
go for the first option if possible. Breaking up a bodyshell is
time-consuming and potentially dangerous. It is also very
noisy, and your neighbours will be unhappy enough already, with a
very dead car standing in your driveway where they think a carefully
polished Daewoo should sit.
However, if
you decide to go ahead, what you are looking to do is reduce the car
to small enough lumps that you can lift it onto a trailer, or in the
back of a van, and take it down to a scrap metal dealer to weigh it
in as mixed scrap (for which you may get a couple of quid). To
do this, the shell needs to be stripped as far as possible of
non-metal items (which you will have to get rid of separately - a
trip to the council tip should do the trick). Then attack it
with the disc cutter, or oxy-acetylene if you have it. Take the
roof off to start, and keep cutting until you are finished.
Remember to wear goggles, thick gloves and ear defenders if you are
using a disc cutter. Remember too that as you remove more and
more metal, the shell will become progressively weaker until it folds
up, so make sure you don't put yourself at risk of injury when this happens.
You will be
surprised how easy it is to cut up a car. Most of the steel is
very thin - the shell relies on the shape of the steel panels for
strength, not their thickness. Only the chassis legs will take
any effort to cut through - you can slice through the rest in no
time. I once broke up a Mini bodyshell using only a hammer and
chisel, but it was very, very rusty.
It is worth
looking into the cost of hiring a skip to get rid of the body and
unwanted parts, especially if you have some household rubbish to
clear out as well. Make sure the hire company knows what you
will be putting in the skip - you don't want them to refuse to take
it away on the grounds that it has the wrong sort of rubbish in it.
Finally, sweep
up all the rust and rubbish, and clean up any fluid spills. You
now have enough mechanical parts to keep you going for years, and the
whole exercise should not have cost you any more than a second hand engine.